The following are a list of my studio policies regarding your lessons that will help to avoid any confusion on your part or mine. Please read them carefully and call me for any clarification you might need. Any exceptions to these policies will be subject to change by the teacher.
1. Please arrive a few minutes before your scheduled lesson time and promptly pick up your student when lesson time is completed. (Unless prior arrangements have been made) Late arrivals will not be guaranteed a full lesson time. Parents of beginning-younger students are welcome to sit in (as silent observers) on the lesson itself undistracted by younger-older siblings. I find this very beneficial to the student’s rapid progress as the week of practicing is maximized. Please leave other siblings at home unless you make other arrangements with me. Of course, parents are always welcome to sit in on the lesson no matter how advanced their child becomes.
2. Please plan a routine for your child’s practice sessions. With each changing season of a child’s year it is very helpful to sit down and plan a practice schedule and stick to it, much like you would a homework schedule during the school year. And, yes, I do teach year- round! The older the child, the more responsibility the child should take for his (her) practice each day. I do require a completed practice log to check each week! My favorite Bible verse for practicing: “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” Ecc.9:10
3. Lesson Preparation. Your child’s *personal recording device contains a clear, detailed explanation of what is required each week, and I expect your child to come fully prepared in every area. I recommend 45 min./day (5 days) for beginning students , (first year), and 1+ hours/day (5 days) for advanced students. These are minimums. I may also have a “memo” in the practice log for you from me for you to read. *IPhone/IPod/IPad/Notebook or your recording device. Parent is responsible for obtaining this.
4. Tuition.Year-round tuition payment for the entire month’s is due at the first lesson of the month. Any new music purchased or recital fees for your child will be added to the following month’s bill. Payments may be made by cash/check/PayPal. If the student is absent the first lesson of the month, payment must be made at the next lesson attended. Month’s tuition for a 45 minute lesson is $150. An hour lesson comes to $200 per month. There will be an automatic late fee of $20 for late payments.
5. Summer Lessons? Yes. Lessons continue through the months of June-August. When the family is in town, it’s important to continue practicing and attend lessons for maximum continuity throughout the summer. Our lesson schedule will not change, but may be, if possible, based on your new family summer schedule. I would ask that you would commit to at least 8 (out of a possible 13) lessons throughout the 3 months of summer. Tuition will still be paid at the same time, but will be pro-rated.
6. Absences. If a lesson is cancelled due to illness, we will probably just skip it for that week if a make-up lesson is not possible. If a lesson is missed for any other reason, (sports, parties, failure to practice, etc.) with the exception of a lastminute unforeseen dire emergency, the lesson cannot be made up or refunded. However, I can be flexible, and if there happens to be an opening in that week’s schedule I may be able to squeeze a student in. You are also welcome to try to switch lesson time with another student. Please call me as soon as you know you will not be coming!
7. Group Lessons. I give two additional group lessons per year, usually in October and in March. This is a great time where the students all come together (no parents allowed!) and play for each other, we learn music theory, music appreciation, study a composer, practice stage presence in preparation for our more “formal” Recitals, be comforted at hearing other students “messing up “when they play, eat a great snack, and just have a great time! Attendance is mandatory for all group lessons. Lessons are two hours long and free of charge.
8. Recitals. We will have a Christmas recital at the beginning of December and a more formal Spring Recital in late May/early June. I appreciate your cooperation in the above policies as I believe they will provide the maximum development of your child’s skills and enjoyment of the process as well as the performance. New students are welcome to join anytime of the year.
Please feel free to call or email me. I would be happy to speak to you to determine if we will be a good teacher-student fit. Toni Huff tonisherhuff@gmail.com | 630.440.9983